Friday, 12 April 2013

My obsession with ideals and over-tuned awareness of mortality

(I currently work in a dispensary in a medical practice)

Today I was at work. When giving out prescriptions I was checking patients' ages on the slips. It generally alarmed me when they were over the age of around 75, I couldn't understand how they were walking, talking, running errands and living life normally instead of what I imagine my lifestyle choice to be at that age: Running around in circles, with my hands on my head, letting out one long constant scream in terror... Are they not scared that every night they go to sleep they might not wake up again?
I've decided that I either have something missing or have something extra, something too much in me. It's either that I am dead inside and lack the capability to socially integrate effectively or I have an extra awareness/cynicism about me that other people don't seem to have. I tend to over-assess and be too thoughtful on things that other people don't SEEM to even notice at all. Generally it feels as though, on the whole, many people seem to take life as it comes and simply don't contemplate their own mortality. I by no means see myself as a 'deep thinker', but I seem to have the amazing gift of being able to over-complicate everything and I think by that nature it makes me difficult to get along with. I have my ideals and I'm often unwilling to compromise, this is because I'm so scared of time ticking past that I want everything and everyone to be a dreamy perfection and when it's not I just avoid it. I constantly scrutinise myself to these same standards and as they are impossible to live up to it leaves me feeling pretty low. As a result of the unforgiving standards I imagine I must miss out on friendships, experiences and probably have a few more arguments than I should do. But then again now, even after having written all of that, I still wouldn't want to be the person who knows everyone but only mediocrely gets along with them. I want people around me that epitomise everything I love and hate. Basically, I still want perfection.

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