Monday, 15 April 2013

The Cat

My housemate has a Cat. Sometimes, when it's been let outside, it sits on the other side of the window for hours staring at you to be let back in. It made me laugh the other day because it literally did this for about 3 hours. I thought to myself how funny it was that it never got bored, or went away to do something else to fill the time before trying again later. This is because it is a Cat and has no sense of time of self, of anything really. It doesn't get bored or think about why it's doing something, it just unquestioningly does. I worry that a lot of people also do this, live their lives without wanting more, and just doing for the sake of doing or 'getting by' in a way they've been told to. I never want to be a Cat staring blankly through the window.

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